CAD CREATIONS Welcome to world of CAD, Computer Aided Design. CAD Creations for DOS, will enable you to put on paper those new ideas, inventions, gadgets, and almost anything that you imagined. This 2D drawing program uses a floating point Cartesian coordinate system, offering you the ability to create your drawing with accuracy that will even surprise your associates. Anything you can draw on paper, you can draw using the many tools provided with this program. For example, design that sundeck you have been dreaming about. Then add textures and patterns to create a visual display. Add tables, chairs, flower pots, lighting and other items using the pre-drawn symbols. You can even create your own and add them to the existing collection. Set your printer up and print your drawing to a IBM /Epson dot matrix, HP compatible Laser or Plotter. Even print to file. All you need is imagination, your computer and CAD Creations for DOS. System Requirements IBM compatible 386 or higher, 640K RAM, MS DOS 3.3X, VGA, 2mb Hard Disk, Mouse (recommended), and an IBM /Epson, HP laserjet, HP Deskjet, HP 7470/7475A compatibles. More detailed instructions for using the many features of CAD Creations are available from SoftKey's 24 hour Fax On Demand system. The FOD number is: (770) 514-6333 Installing CAD Creations CAD Creations can be run directly from the CD ROM by changing your current drive to your CD ROM drive and your current directory to \CADCR\KEYCAD. Then type KEYCAD and press ENTER. KeyCAD will start normally. To install CAD Creations to your Hard Drive follow the instructions below. 1. Place the CAD Creations CD in your CD-ROM drive. 2. Exit from any other programs you have running, including Windows. Do not use a DOS session in Windows. 3. Change your current drive to your CD ROM drive. To change drives type D: at the DOS prompt and press ENTER. Substitute your CD ROM drive letter if it is a drive letter other than D. For example; if your drive letter is E, you would type E: and press ENTER. 4. Change your current directory to the root directory of your CD ROM drive if necessary. This is done by typing CD \ and pressing ENTER. 5. At the DOS prompt type SETUP.BAT and press ENTER. A menu driven install program will appear. Follow all instructions on screen. At the completion of the program CAD Creations will be installed. Note: While you can move around in CAD Creations with a mouse, we will use the keyboard to show how easy it is to move around in the program. Some functions may be invoked using the mouse during the tutorial. IMPORTANT: Please note that Key CAD Creations comes with a basic on-line help file which offers clear examples based on topics you select from a panel. Simply press F1 to display the Help Topics information panel. Use your arrow keys to move up or down and select a topic. After highlighting a topic, press Enter to display the information. To return to the panel topics, press Esc once, to Exit the on-line help option, press Esc twice. Starting CAD Creations To start CAD Creations, from the C: drive type CD \CADCR then ENTER. Next type KEYCAD and press Enter. This will launch the program and the opening screen. The CAD Creations display will appear. This screen prompts you to start a new drawing. Press ENTER twice to create an 8 1/2 x 11 size page. You are now ready to begin a drawing. The Menu Bar Options may be activated by clicking on or by pressing the capital letter of the respective menu option. For example, pressing F will activate the File menu option and display the available choices. Creating A New Drawing In order to create our combination laundry / half bathroom for a new addition to a house, we must first set our scale. Start by selecting File. Next select New. The first option selected is A) 8.5" x 11". If there is no check mark beside this, use the arrow keys to get to these options and press Enter. Use the arrow keys to cycle through to the top two options, Real and Paper. Highlight Real and press the Enter key. Type 2.000 and press Enter. We have just set the drawing scale as 2 ft to 1 inch. Next press O or highlight OK to accept. Press D, then R. This will active the Draw menu and select the Rectangle command. Place the first corner at absolute coordinate X=2', Y=2'. Type 2,2 and press Enter. Specify the second opposite corner by typing R12,12 and pressing Enter. (R mean relative to the start value of 2,2 entered above). This means that we are stating that the room is 12 ft by 12 ft, starting at an absolute value of X=2 and Y=2. Exit the Draw menu by pressing the Esc key. Let's turn ON the coordinates display and set the decimals (fractions of feet) that are to be displayed. Press O, E, C K Esc. These keyboard commands will do the following; invoke Options, choose Enable, toggle Coordinates ON, confirm that we are finished with our selections and exit the Options menu. Now, anytime you move the cross hair cursor, the X,Y coordinates will display at the bottom of the screen. Press O, U, X, 1, Enter. This will again activate the Options menu, invoke Units, select FIX and set the decimals at 1, and then accept our choices. Press A and Esc to accept the changes and exit the Options menu. We will now draw our counters for folding clothes and placing a sink. Press D, R to invoke the Draw and the Rectangle command. Type 8,11.5 Enter, to specify the first corner of the rectangle. Now type R6,2.5 Enter, to specify the length relative to the first corner. Do not exit from the Draw menu. We need to draw another rectangle. Select the Rectangle command (from the Draw menu, R), and type 14,14 and press Enter. Now type R-2,-6 and press Enter to specify the opposite corners. Now press Esc to exit from the Draw menu. You should now see a rectangle in the top right corner of your room. We will now add the following things to our laundry room, a sink, locations for the washer & dryer, a storage closet and a shower stall. First, press D R to invoke the Draw menu and activate the Rectangle command and 12,5 and press Enter, to specify the first the corner. You will be prompted for the second (opposite) corner, type R2,2.5 and press Enter. Press Esc to exit from the Draw menu. Now we will partition the left side of the room in four 3ft x 3ft areas. Press D L and type 5,2 and press enter. Next type R0,12 and press Enter. Now exit the Line command option by pressing Esc. Now we will divide this area into four sections. Activate the Line command by pressing D L and type 2,5 and Enter. Now press R and type 3,0 and enter, then Esc to exit. Next, type L and enter 2,8 and press Enter. Now press R3,0 and enter and then Esc to exit. Repeating the same steps, press L 2,11 and enter. Now press R3,0 and press Enter and then Esc to exit the Line command, and finally Esc again to exit the Draw menu. You should have four sections on the left side of our drawing. However, you will notice that some overlapping has occurred. The top right corner has overlapping rectangles. We will now trim the excess lines to modify the existing elements. First we need to Explode (break out) the components that make up the element (object). To do this press E (Edit), then P (Explode) command. To mark the object we will use the pick tool (a box cursor) Press F4 to change the cross hair cursor to the pick tool. Using the arrow keys, move the box to any part of the object and press Enter. Now use the arrow keys to move to another line segment and press Enter. Now there are two boxes which have been selected, press Esc and E to confirm the explode function. To Trim the line press E, then press T. Move the Pick Tool (box cursor) to line A and press Enter. The display indicates that 1 object was found. Press Esc to continue. Now select the line which will be trimmed. Move the cursor to line C and press Enter. Pressing Esc stops the trimming process so that a new trim boundary may now be selected. Press T a second time and move the Pick Tool to line D and press Enter to select the line, then press Esc. Now select the line which will be trimmed. Move the cursor to line B and press Enter. Now press Esc and Esc again to complete the procedure. Now we will add a sink to the counter. First we will change the Aspect Ratio so that we can draw an Oval Sink. To change the Aspect Ratio type D, then C for the Circle Command and S for Setup. Now type A to select Aspect and type 0.8. Press O for OK. Now press P to Place the Oval. We will now type the position of where the Sink is to be place. Type 13,10 and press Enter, then type R.5,0 and press Enter. Press Esc to return to the Draw Menu. Now we will add a toilet to the room. Press D R they type 13.5,2.5 and press Enter. Now type R.5,2 and press Enter. This will place the tank portion of the toilet in our bathroom. Now we can add the bowl to the toilet but first we must change the Aspect Ratio again. Enter C S A and type 1.2, then press Enter and type O for OK. Press P to Place the Oval and type 12.5,3.5 and press Enter. Now type R1,0 and press Enter. Press Esc twice to exit the Draw Menu. Now we have a toilet in our bathroom and all we need is Text and Dimensions to finish the drawing off. Adding Text Into The Drawing The text option is very easy to use as you will see in the steps outlined below. Press D for the Draw Menu, then T for Text and S for Setup. Select C for the Center Option and confirm this selection by typing O for OK. Now we want to press P for Place and type 8,8 to indicate the position of the text. Now type LAUNDRY AREA/ and press Enter. The Text appears on the Screen and the next line of text is requested. Enter the words HALF BATH ROOM and press Enter. Press Enter a second time to signify that the text entry process is finished. Type P for Place again and this time, with the cursor keys, or mouse, position the cursor to the center of the top left cubicle and press Enter. Now type DRYER and press Enter Twice. Repeat this procedure, placing text in the next three cubicles on the left. From top to bottom they will read WASHER, CLOSET, SHOWER. Reselect P one last time and position the cursor on the Laundry Counter on the top right side of the room, then press Enter. Now type LAUNDRY then press Enter and type ROOM and press Enter Twice. Press Esc Twice to exit from the Draw Menu. All of your text is now placed on your drawing. Adding Dimensions To The Drawing The next step is to add dimensions showing the size of the room. Press A B to select Auto, Boundary. Press F4 to take us out of Pick Mode and into Window Mode. We now want to select the whole drawing. Go to the top left hand corner of the room and press Enter. Bring the cursor to the bottom right hand corner and press Enter. Now press Esc Twice to exit the Auto Menu. You will now have dimensions showing for the outside of the entire room. Saving The Drawing Now is a good time to save the work done so far. Press F for File and S for Save and enter a filename (i.e. Laundry) for your diagram. Now press Enter which confirms the filename. Press S for Save and your file will be saved to your hard drive in your CADCR directory. Printing The Drawing The final step is to print the drawing which we have created. To do this type F C D and select your printer from the list. Now press Esc to return to the Drawing screen. Select F P I 2 which specifies Medium Print Density. Press P for Portrait and F to toggle Fit ON. Now press O for OK to complete your selections. At this point Printing can be started by pressing P. A window is displayed showing the progress of the printing job. Pressing Esc at any time stops the printing process. If you are using a Laser Printer you must also press E for Eject. This will Eject the page from the printer. Printing A Portion Of The Drawing In certain instances it may be desirable to print only a portion of a drawing. The following steps accomplishes such as task; 1. Window-in on the portion of the drawing to be printed using the View/Window command sequence. 2. Use the File, Plot, Image command and toggle Fit OFF. 3. Alter any other print selections as desired, such as density, orientation, width, etc. 4. The following are suggested width settings according to Paper Size. _________________________________________ Paper Size Width Setting ----------------------------------------- 8.5 x 11 7.5 11.0 x 17 10.0 17.0 x 22 16.0 22.0 x 34 21.0 _________________________________________ The effect of the FIT switch is to print the ENTIRE drawing in the largest scale possible to fit the width setting. When FIT is disabled, the portion of the drawing displayed on screen is printed to the specified width settings. You have now completed a drawing of a laundry room addition. This exercise also guided you through some of the program functions and how they are used. Other Functions /Commands Memory If you choose Auto, Query, Metrics and DOS Memory Free reads less than 100,000, you will need to increase the amount of memory available for your drawing. This can be done two different ways. You can change your CONFIG.SYS file to tell your computer to use EXPANDED Memory. Please refer to your DOS manual on how to accomplish this. The second way is to start CAD Creations with the /VEMS switch (Virtual Memory). This will allow a portion of your hard drive to be used as Expanded Memory. (e.g. KEYCAD/VEMS=200) A minimum of KEYCAD/VEMS=1 and a maximum of KEYCAD/VEMS=255 can be used. Command Line Switches When using command line switches you must be at a DOS prompt and the switch must follow the command that loads Key CAD. (Example: KEYCAD/VGA) Before using any of the following command line switches you will need to know beforehand what type of Video Card you have in your computer. You can check this by referring to the Video Manual that came with your computer. 1. For an AT&T 6300 series computer you will need to type the following command for Key CAD to display on your screen: KEYCAD/ATT 2. If you typed KEYCAD to start the program but nothing shows on the screen, press F, then Q, then E. If you wish to change the default colors that show on the screen when using a CGA Video Card, you will need to type one of the following: KEYCAD/CGA=0, KEYCAD/CGA=1 Refer to Page 2-3 of the Key CAD Complete Manual for the colors that correspond to each number. You may type a number between 0 and 15. 3. An EGA Video Card you may need to type KEYCAD/E to force the program to load in an EGA mode. 4. A Hercules Video Card (i.e. the C:\> prompt is an Amber color) you should not have to use a command line switch. If you do have a problem with the way the program is displayed on the screen, type KEYCAD/H. This will force the program into a Hercules Graphics Mode. 5. If your video display shows only Black and White and the program does not display shades properly, type KEYCAD/MONO. 6. If you have a VGA Video Card but have a monitor that only shows Black and White, you will need to type KEYCAD/MVGA to start KeyCAD in VGA Monochrome Mode. 7. If you have a VGA Video Card that displays color and you type KEYCAD to start the program, but the program does not display correctly, type KEYCAD/VGA to force the program into a VGA Mode 8. For a SVGA (Super VGA) Video Card to run CAD Creations, you will need to enter a video card code. Please refer to you video card manual. If you have an ATI Wonder VGA Card you would type KEYCAD/SVGA=54. This will start the program in an SVGA mode. The number 54 is a hexadecimal mode that sets your monitor in Super VGA. If your Video Adapter Card is not listed on page 2-5 you will need to refer to your Video Card Users Guide for the Hexadecimal code. NOTE: Mouse drivers are inconsistent in SVGA mode. 9. If your computer is set up to use Expanded Memory (EMS), to stop Key CAD from using EMS type (KEYCAD/NEMS) 10.If your computer does not have Expanded Memory (EMS), you may use a switch to use a disk drive to emulate EMS. The command is as follows: KEYCAD/VEMS=200 KEYCAD/VEMS=1 (Minimum) KEYCAD/VEMS=255 (Maximum) 11.When using a Laptop, you may need your VGA monitor/card combination to operate in CGA Mode. The command to do this is KEYCAD/V1. 12.If you find that your cursor movement is very erratic when using the keyboard, you may want to try using the KEYCAD/NK (NON-TURBO) switch. Mouse Before you use CAD Creations, you will need to install the mouse software that came on a diskette with your mouse (if it is not already functioning in DOS). Windows uses its own mouse driver and therefore you mouse is not in most DOS applications without a DOS mouse driver. To install your mouse driver follow the installation instructions packaged with your Mouse. Selecting A Printer The following are commands used to select a Printer Device for your model of printer. From the File Menu, select Config, then Device. Which Device to Select for your Printer The HP7470, choose if you are using an HP7470 or HP7475A compatible plotter. Check your plotter manual for information on how to place your plotter in one of the above emulation's. EpsonFX80, choose for any 9 Pin printer that emulates an Epson printer. Check your printer manual for information on how to place your printer in the Epson emulation mode. LaserJet, select an HP compatible Laser printer Series II/IIP/III/IIIP/IV or a HP DeskJet printer. Check your Printer manual for information on how to place your printer in the HP LaserJet emulation mode or the DeskJet emulation mode. Epson LQ-2400, choose for any 24 Pin printer that emulates an Epson Printer. Check your Printer manual for information on how to place your printer in the Epson emulation mode. When using a LaserJet or DeskJet, be sure to select the EJECT option after the percentage has counted across the top of your screen. This is used to eject the page from your printer. Entering Exact Coordinates This will help you to type exact coordinates on the screen in order to achieve an accurate drawing. The reason you need to type the coordinates for an object is that the pixels on the screen cannot accommodate every 1/32 of an inch. The following are some examples of typing coordinates for objects to be placed on the screen. 1. Go to the File Menu and choose New. Use a Scale of Real Ft 1 and Paper Inch 1. Go to the Draw Menu and choose Line. Now, type 2,2 (2 represents the starting point of the line on the X Axis and the second 2 represents the starting point of the same line on the Y Axis) and press [Enter]. Type R5,0 (R is short for Relative, Relative to the starting point of 2,2. 5 represents the distance from the X value of 2 and 0 represents the distance from the Y value of 2) and press [Enter]. You will now have drawn a line starting at X=2 and Y=2, a total distance of 5 on the X Axis and 0 on the Y. 2. In order to type in fractions, you will need to follow the format below: Go to the Draw Menu and choose Line, type 2,2 and press [Enter]. Now type R5+6"+1/2",0 and press [Enter]. This will result in a line having a total distance of 5 Feet, 6 1/2 inches on the X Axis. If your scale is set for Inches=Inches you will not have to use the inch symbol (") when typing fractions. Using Symbols from Existing Libraries The following are step-by-step instructions for accessing the Symbols from the Libraries with CAD Creations. 1. From the File Menu, select the Transfer option and Import. 2. Select LIB:KeyCAD Library and choose a Library from the list that is displayed (i.e., ARCH1, ARCH2, etc.), Click on Import. 3. Go to the Library Menu and select USE. The Symbols for the Library you have imported will now be displayed on the screen. If you wish to load more than one Library, follow steps 1 through 2 above. Please Note, there is a limit of 100 Symbols that can be imported for use in one drawing. Creating Symbols and Saving The following will describe two methods of saving symbols, the first will save into an existing Library and the second into a new Library. Saving Symbols in an Existing Library The first step you must take is to load an existing Symbol Library. This is done by going to the File Menu, choose Transfer and Import. Select LIB: Key CAD Library. Click on one of the existing Libraries, then Click on Import. Now, create your Symbol that you wish to add to the above Imported Library. Once you have drawn your Symbol, choose the Library Menu and select Make. Draw a Window around your Symbol or press the F4 Key and Click the left mouse button on top of the object. Type a Symbol name and press [Enter]. Click on top of or around the Symbol for a Reference Point. Go back to the File Menu, choose Transfer and Export. Select LIB: Key CAD Library and choose the Same Library that you imported above, Click on Export and select Replace from the Verify dialog box. The new Symbol is now created and saved in an existing Symbol Library. Saving Symbols in a New Library Select File, New, OK and this will ensure no Libraries are loaded. Create your Symbol that you wish to place in your own Library. Once you have drawn your Symbol, choose the Library Menu and select Make. Draw a Window around your Symbol or Press the F4 Key and Click the left mouse button on top of the object. Type a Symbol name and press [Enter], then Click on top of or around the Symbol for a Reference Point. Go to the File Menu, choose Transfer and select Import. Choose LIB: Key CAD Library and type in a File Name in the File box and press [Enter]. Click on the Export button and the new Library will be created with your Symbol saved in the Library. Using the Trim Tool The Trim Tool is used to Trim Off Lines by using an intersection of two lines as the reference for cutting. For example, draw a Rectangle and then draw a Horizontal Line through the middle. Using the Trim Tool, cut off the ends that extend beyond the Left and Right side. Do the following: Choose Draw , Rectangle. Create a Rectangle. You may or may not have Reference Marks (the little X) depending on if you have them enabled or not. To enable Reference Marks, go to Options, Enable, and put a check in the Marks box. Go to the View Menu and select Redraw. Choose Draw, Line. Draw a Horizontal Line through the center of the Rectangle. After creating the line, select the Edit Menu and choose Trim. Now, choose the Boundary Lines. For our example, using the Pick Box (the little square pointer - press [F4]), Click on the Rectangle with the Left Mouse button. The Rectangle will become Dotted. Click with the Right Mouse button to complete the selection. A Boundary Line determines the point at which a line is to be cut. We are selecting the Rectangle as the Boundary line because we intend to Trim Off the Horizontal Line extending to the Left and Right of the Rectangle. Trim the Line. Trim Line will be displayed in the Upper Left corner of the CAD Creations screen. Using the Pick Box, Click on the Horizontal Line where the line extends to the Left of the Boundary Line (Left Side of the Rectangle). That part of the Line will be removed. Repeat for the Right side of the Rectangle. Press the Right Mouse button when through trimming. Importing/Exporting Files The following file formats can be Imported into Key CAD: HPGL (Hewlett Packard Plotter File) BSAVE (Basic Program File) PIC (Lotus File) WPG (WordPerfect) ASCII (Text File) DXF (AutoCAD File Version 9, 10, 11, 12) The PCX File format can only be Exported. To Import or Export, go to the File Menu, select Transfer and choose Import/Export. From the Select Format dialog box, you may choose one of the above formats. If you are Exporting, type a File name in the top box and choose a Path to where you want the file to be saved. (i.e. B:\NEW, this will save a file called NEW to the B: drive) If you are Importing, choose the directory from which the file will be imported. Click on ".." this will bring you back to the Root of C:, you can then choose the directory where your file is located by clicking on the name and then you can click on your file name. There are also two other options in the Select Format dialog box at the bottom of the screen. They are both related to FONTS. This is used if your text does not show on the screen when you use the Draw, Text Menu options. Choose Import for a Font file. Using Fonts The fonts that are available for Key CAD are NFONT.FNT, ITALIC.FNT, ORNATE.FNT, ROMAN.FNT, and SCRIPT.FNT. If you type text and NO text appears on the screen, the following steps will correct the problem. 1. From the File Menu, select the Transfer option and choose Import. 2. Select FNT Primary on the bottom of the list, then choose Primary. 3. From the list of fonts displayed on the screen, select one of the font names and Click on Read-1. 4. If text still does not appear, go to the Options Menu, select Enable and be sure Text has a check mark beside it. 5. If text still does not appear, you will need to delete the Keycad.cfg file from the CADCR Directory. To do this, exit the CAD Creations program. From within the CADCR Directory (CD\CADCR [Enter]) type DEL KEYCAD.CFG [Enter]. Reselect the CAD program and your text will now display on the screen. Erasing Objects To Erase an object, choose the Erase option from the Edit Menu. Pressing the F4 Key will change your cursor from a Cross Hairs to a Pick Box, making it much easier to select a single entity or element to erase. Place the Box or Pick Tool on top of one of the lines that represent the entity and press [Enter] or Click the left mouse button. It will now read Found 1 Object in the top right corner of the screen. Press your Esc key or the Right mouse button and a dialog box will appear with an Erase and Cancel option. If the object or remnants of the object are still displayed on the screen, go to the View Menu and choose Redraw. Contacting Customer Service We hope that this exercise opens a new world of creativity for you. CAD Creations is very capable of designing most anything you can imagine. We have available, a more detailed manual which offers information on many other features and functions of CAD Creations for DOS. It is available for $12.95 plus shipping and handling. Please call 1/800-227-5609 Monday to Friday, from 9:00am to 6:00pm to place your order. You may also fax your order to 1/617-494-5898. Contacting Technical Support If you have questions about the program, call or write SoftKey International's Technical Support Department. Before you call, please consult this manual. Before you call or write, gather the following information: Make and model of your computer. Operating System and version numbers. Amount of RAM in your system. A brief description of your problem, including the exact wording of any error messages. Contact Technical Support at: (770) 428-0008 9:00 am to 8:00 PM Monday through Friday (Eastern Standard Time) Send correspondences to: SoftKey International Technical Support 450 Franklin Rd Suite 100 Marietta, GA 30067 For information regarding replacement diskettes and manuals, please contact Customer Service.